For independent personal or group fitness trainers

Expand your reach

Expand your reach using Senior Fitness Finder. We promote Senior Fitness Finder directly to the older adult population using a variety of channels that seniors respond to. We design our advertising and messaging for seniors, prompting them to respond.

Manage your clients and bookings

Use Senior Fitness Finder to manage your bookings and payments. Our marketplace can handle offering and booking management. In addition, our platform takes the pain out of payment. Payment processing is included in the booking and offer management process. Our payment system is backed by Stripe, and you need to set up an account for your listings to display.

Grow your network and gain expertise

In addition to growing your business and managing your offerings and payment processing, Senior Fitness Finder produces guides, training, and content for fitness professionals who want to learn about the senior health and wellness industry.

A bonus is having access to and networking with other industry professionals who are advocates for fitness.